What the Tree told Me-The Three Phases of the Self

A concept with the potential to grow into a book

Introduction-Part 1

This is a concept piece based on my relationship with a tree on my local beach, expression what it has taught me about life. It is possible that it may grow up to become a book at some time into the future, but right now its third on the list. However, why wait to tell a good story in the form it's in now. So here we go. There will be three or four parts to this as I get to it. This is the Introduction story. The others will go into the learning in more depth. If you like it, check back in often to see where I am up to...read on


The Individual Self-Part 2

In the beginning was the spark. A collision between two opposites. The interaction of two different materials, by friction, starts the interaction, but that’s not enough. The tiny spark must be held against a softer material, called tinder. Not the app. Not that. But real burnable material, that accepts the spark, nurturing it into a tiny flame. A unique, never before occurring little flame, that has within it, even then, the potential to become a raging fire of individual perception... read on


The Communal Self, Part 3

As I continued my relationship with the tree, I saw that it was populated, after 4.00pm, by a variety of feathered beings, The Blue Herons used it to roost in as did the Spoonbills. They would all take flight if I walked my dog near it after that time. I felt sorry that they didn’t realise that my dog is a gentle soul, who has been trained to respect the life of others......read on


The Deeper Self. Part 4

As I mentioned, the tree had a crook in it, where the two branches that were amputated joined to the trunk. It took a while for the tree to draw my attention away from the cut stumps to notice the trunk where they were joined to. When I did, I realised that the branches were dependent on the trunk. Right! All trees have a trunk that comes before the rest. Self-evident Jay. Wakey wakey. It’s funny that when we are so caught up with our pain, we often miss the obvious health that is still there. The allegory went on.....read on