It's becoming a challenging year. It reminds me of the epilogue to the play The Wake of Prisoners that I often quote:" Thank God our time is now when wrong comes up to meet us everywhere". It certainly seems to be doing that. In such a short period of time we have lost one of our finest stateswomen, the cost of living based on the war in Ukraine and the global weather, seems to be streaking along beyond our purse strings, every time we go to do the groceries. Donald Trump seems to be immortal as well as covered in Teflon, and people are being exceedingly nasty to each other on social media. That's without the climate crisis hitting us at home and wiping out the North Islands ability to keep us in many items of food stuff. I find myself pivoting backwards and forwards between wanting to be here to witness what happens next, and wondering if I can actually cope with it. But I trust Life's ability to self-regulate so on we go into the next chapter of what the Christians call the End Times. But I know that Life transforms itself constantly. We humans tend to have tunnel vision, brought about by too much watching of the bottom line.
I have seen some signs of this transformation locally. Because we have a tendency to leave any form of adjustment to the last minute, the egg farmers ignore the law change to battery hens, hoping I suspect, that it would all go away. But they have gone away instead, and the locals have filled a lot of the egg requirements from their backyard hens. Others have rushed out to buy more birds, only to find there is now a years waiting list while the breeders hatch a whole lot more. But its all happening, and even the supermarkets are restocking with eggs from better treated birds. Little things. That's what we have to look for now, small changes towards a different way of being. Tiny signals that there is change afoot in the hearts and minds of our species. And it's out of little things that big things grow, so they say. Even in Australia they are walking towards a huge change for the way in which their indigenous people are held within the community. It's not going to replace 200 odd years of abuse, but it's a start. It seems like the people there have had a mighty change of heart. I will be holding my breath til it's done and dusted. But it's in the right direction.
So lets hang in there. As the Runes say, "When fishermen can not go to sea, they mend their nets and watch for signs of spring". To complete the quote at the beginning of this post: " Thank God our time is now when wrong comes up to meet us everywhere. Never to leave us until we take the longest stride of soul we (men) ever took." Bless
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